Are you a resident in a high-risk wildfire area?

Learn about why completing defensible space work is key to protection in a high-risk wildfire area. The more defensible space completed means less fuel for fires, and better outcomes for everyone.

Prepare your home, or get comfortable with losing it.

Firefighters will prioritize homes that have already completed defensible space work when fighting fires, since they have a better chance of survival.

Insurance may not cover all your losses. If you lose your home in a wildfire, insurance companies only pay out an average of $200,000.

If you live in a State Responsibility Area, you are legally required by California law to complete defensible space work.

Don’t let your excuses turn into fuel for wildfires.

Dealing with the upfront frustration of learning about defensible space is going to be much easier and cheaper than trying to recollect everything in your home with insurance agents after becoming homeless.

Your home catching on fire increases the amount of work for firefighters, and makes your neighbor’s home more likely to catch on fire.

Even if you don’t use Faura’s services, we want all residents to be educated and protected. Find resources from CalFire to learn more about defensible space and wildfires.

  1. Learn about what defensible space is.

  2. Check if you live in a ‘State Responsibility‘ area.

  3. Learn about preparing defensible space, evacuation, and more in this Wildfire Action Plan.

  4. If you want to complete the work yourself, find the defensible space guidelines here. Additional counties and cities have adopted further defensible space requirements, so check with your local code enforcement agency or fire department to make sure you have the correct info.