Why your beautiful tree is a hazard
You see that gorgeous tree hanging over this house? How beautiful - it gives you shade, it makes things a bit cooler, and the scenery is amazing.
But believe it or not, some of the most beautiful things become deadly when paired with natural disasters like hurricanes.
That tree is the difference between surviving and not.
Overhanging vegetation like this may not be such a big deal in every day life, but in the case of a storm, any extra weight that lands on your roof damages the most critical parts of your property, leaving it open to more debris and more destruction.
Even if a tree isn’t falling on your property, if 60% of the branches are falling from a 10+ foot distance onto the top of your home, those hits are going to make a difference.
Not only that, but debris on your roof over time also makes your foundation weaker. Branches that sit on top of your roof and degrade how much weight the roof can hold could be the reason why your roof caves in after a massive weather event.
And the solution?
A simple prune and trim job.
Trimming back vegetation that overhangs your property is crucial in preparing for heavy wind seasons, especially when the tree extends at a height far beyond your home and you’re surrounded by a lot of vegetation. The more you reduce your risk of damages, the better off your home will be.